Substance Abuse and Addiction

The use of drugs or alcohol is not inherently negative or positive. Many people turn to substances out of curiosity, usually seeking to enhance their life experience in some way. Some of us gravitate to drugs and alcohol to escape emotional distress or to fit in with others. Despite the motivation for initial experimentation, use continues for a variety of reasons.

Maybe it’s the euphoria or the change in perception and thought process. Maybe it’s to share an experience with friends or feel more comfortable in social situations. Maybe it’s to relax at the end of a hard day or to grasp at a sense of control in a chaotic situation. Whatever the purpose for use may be, it is the relationship we develop with a substance that defines the impact it has on our lives.

Have you experienced any combination of the following over the course of the past year?

Potential Signs of Excessive Use

 1. Substance taken in larger amounts or behavior is engaged in for longer period than intended

2. Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance or behavior

3. Great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to use the substance or engage in the behavior, or recover from the effects

4. Craving, or a strong desire to use the substance or engage in the behavior

5. Recurrent use of the substance or engagement in the behavior resulting in a failure to fulfill responsibilities

6. Continued use of the substance or engagement in the behavior despite continued social or interpersonal problems stemming from the effects of the substance or behavior

7. Important activities are given up or reduced because of use of the substance or engagement in the behavior

8. Continued use of the substance or engagement in the behavior despite knowledge of the physical or psychological problem likely stemming from use of the substance or engagement in the behavior

9. More of the substance or behavior is needed to achieve the desired effect or there is a diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance or behavior.

 Substance abuse is usually seen as excessive use leading to negative consequences, but other behaviors can impact us in a similar way. Many of us feel compelled to binge watch an exciting television show, or “finish one more level” instead of getting the rest we need for an important day of work. We often joke about “having one too many” while nursing a hangover after a night out. In moderation these experiences may not be perceived as harmful, but patterns developed in time may become detrimental if left unchecked.

It is important for us to define what we consider excessive substance use or excessive engagement in a particular behavior. We have to honestly reflect about the connection between our habits and our feelings, as well as if we are truly operating within our definition of appropriateness. People usually seek treatment when they are consistently crossing their own boundaries and tired of unsuccessful attempts at changing their behavior or preventing negative experiences.

 Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Vulnerability and connection are often the source of breaking free from undesirable habits.